كتاب الطالب انجليزي Coursebook صف سابع فصل ثالث

كتاب الطالب انجليزي bridge to Success Coursebook صف سابع فصل ثالث تجدون رابط تحميله تحميل مباشر بصيغة PDF تحميل مباشر، على موقع امارات سكول. وفق منهاج وزارة التربية و التعليم في الإمارات العربية المتحدة الموسم الدراسي 2018-2019.

كتاب الطالب انجليزي Coursebook صف سابع فصل ثالث PDF

كتاب الطالب انجليزي Coursebook bridge to Success صف سابع فصل ثالث وفق المنهاج الاماراتي وكذلك كتب الصف السابع تجدوها على موقعنا للتحميل على شكل ملف PDF.

كتاب الطالب انجليزي Coursebook صف سابع فصل ثالث
كتاب الطالب انجليزي Coursebook صف سابع فصل ثالث

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فهرس كتاب الطالب انجليزي Coursebook الصف السابع الفصل الثالث:


Unit 3: Clothing and Accessories


  • Clothes and fashion: the clothes and accessories of the ancient Egyptians; an advert for an accessory.
  • An email about clothing in the UAE.
  • Two people’s opinions of clothes and fashion.
  • Accessories and clothing in ancient Egypt.
  • Ikal’s traditional Sami clothing.
  • Adverts for clothes and accessories.
  • The history of advertising.


  • Listening:
    • The history of the T-shirt.
    • A person talking about accessories and jewellery.
    • Boys talking about national costumes at an international party.
    • Quiz: clothing around the world.
    • Adverts for accessories and clothing.
    • A woman talking about advertising.
  • Speaking:
    • Discussing T-shirts and clothes.
    • Discussing attitudes to clothes and fashion.
    • Quiz: clothing around the world.
    • Describing a product.

Use of English:

  • Phrasal verbs: present passive, including modals with passives (It can be worn).
  • Adjectives with different endings.


  • Clothes and accessories.
  • Materials that clothes and accessories are made of.


  • Write a reply to an email from a pen friend.
  • Write a paragraph about an item of clothing from the UAE.
  • Write a paragraph about your attitude to clothes and fashion.


  • Review Unit 3.


  • A presentation about a product.

Unit 4: Outdoor Pursuits


  • Outdoor sports and activities in New Zealand; activity holidays; school trips.
  • Reading:
    • Outdoor activities in New Zealand.
    • Emails about a trip to New Zealand.
    • Emails about visiting the UAE.
    • A description of a heroic adventure.
    • A poem about camping.


  • Listening:
    • A girl talking about New Zealand.
    • A conversation about a trip to New Zealand.
    • People talking about future plans.
    • A radio interview about a heroic adventure.
    • A conversation about a school trip.
  • Speaking:
    • Describing outdoor activities.
    • Role-play about holiday plans.
    • Talking about future plans.
    • Brainstorming ideas for an activity centre.

Use of English:

  • The present perfect with ever; expressing the future; -ing forms as subjects.


  • Outdoor activities, outdoor survival, adventure and equipment.


  • Writing about holiday plans.
  • Writing an email to a friend visiting the UAE.
  • Complete a blogpost about a heroic adventure.
  • Write a paragraph for an activity centre brochure.


  • Review Unit 4.


  • A presentation: a great expedition.

Unit 5: Transport Systems


  • Transport systems around the world; the history of transport; road safety and road safety rules.
  • Reading:
    • Public transport systems around the world.
    • A conversation about buses.
    • A brief history of public transport.
    • A newspaper article about solar-powered buses.
    • An email about solar buses to a newspaper website.


  • Listening:
    • The first hot-air balloon flights.
    • A school council discussion about getting to and from school.
    • A conversation about future plans.
    • An interview with a boy and a girl about a new cycle path.
  • Speaking:
    • Discussing public transport in the UAE.
    • Role-play a dialogue about future plans.
    • Role-play a discussion for and against solar buses.

Use of English:

  • Past simple passive; exist (that + past simple).
  • May and might.


  • Forms of transport, public transport, green transport, the environment, adjectives to describe public transport.


  • A paragraph about transport in the UAE.
  • A dialogue about the advantages and disadvantages of a form of public transport.
  • Writing a description of the first hot-air balloon flights.
  • A wish list: places to visit and how to get there.
  • Opinions about having a longer school day.


  • Review Unit 5.


  • Literacy project: A presentation; getting to and from school.

Unit 10: People and Numbers


  • Fractions and percentages.
  • Places and buildings.
  • Charitable causes and good deeds.
  • Class survey.
  • Reading:
    • A report of a survey’s results.
    • A news story about fundraising.
    • 70 Cents by Vimal Shivagadia.
    • A news story about generous countries.
    • Instructions on how to make a survey.


  • Listening:
    • Listen to responses in a survey.
    • Listen to a description of the UAE.
    • Listen to a radio news story about acts of kindness.
  • Speaking:
    • Describe a typical day, using fractions and percentages.
    • Talk about populations, places, and buildings.
    • Describe your local area.
    • Do a class survey and discuss the results.
    • Discuss ideas for a Kindness Challenge.
    • Describe a good deed.

Use of English:

  • Place names and buildings with and without the.
  • Part and percentages expressions of quantity followed by of.
  • Look and seem for impressions.


  • Ways of describing fractions, percentages, and large numbers.
  • Words for surveys and survey responses.
  • Words for populations, areas, and buildings.
  • Charitable causes and fundraising.
  • Words and phrases for fables.


  • Write examples of places, buildings, and geographical features.
  • Rewrite parts and percentages in your notes.
  • Write a news article about a fundraising activity.


  • Review of Unit 10.


  • Making a survey and presenting the results.

Unit 11: We’re Going on Holiday


  • Types of holiday.
  • Holiday plans and experiences.
  • Airports.
  • School exchanges.
  • Reading:
    • Holiday plans.
    • Text messages to do with travel arrangements.
    • An email about travel experiences.
    • A school exchange trip.


  • Listening:
    • Holiday plans.
    • What to do at an airport.
  • Speaking:
    • Talk about holidays.
    • Explaining what to do in an airport.
    • Report what someone said in a text message.
    • Report what someone said about a travel experience.
    • Ask and answer questions about holidays.

Use of English:

  • Compound nouns (water sports, day trip).
  • Verbs followed by the -ing form.
  • Reported speech: statements and questions.
  • Say and tell with reported speech.


  • Types of holiday and accommodation.
  • Places and signs in an airport.
  • Sports facilities and holiday activities.


  • Write about an imaginary experience at an airport.
  • A holiday plan.
  • Write about your favourite kind of holiday.
  • Write a postcard from a holiday destination.
  • Write a holiday review.


  • Review of Unit 11.


  • Planning a special treat and presenting the plan.

Unit 12: Climate and the Environment


  • Weather conditions; extreme weather and global warming; a zero-carbon city.
  • Reading:
    • Weather in the UAE.
    • Extreme weather and global warming.
    • Storm chasers.
    • A weather forecast.
    • Renewable energy.
    • Eco-buildings.
    • An eco-school.
    • Eco-cities.


  • Listening:
    • Conversations about types of weather.
    • Thunder and lightning.
    • A weather forecast.
  • Speaking:
    • Discussing weather-related preferences and activities.
    • Present a weather forecast.
    • Discussing extreme weather.
    • Discussing renewable energy.
    • Discussing eco-buildings.
    • Imagining life in an eco-city.
    • A role play about buying a house in an eco-city.
    • Ways to stop global warming.

Use of English:

  • The present simple active and passive.


  • Types of weather and forecast symbols.
  • Weather-related words.
  • Extreme weather.
  • Renewable energy.
  • Eco-cities.


  • Write a weather forecast.
  • Write a report about an extreme storm.
  • Write an email about an eco-school.
  • Write a presentation about an eco-city.
  • Design a leaflet about climate change.


  • Review of Unit 12.


  • Presenting a TV report about an extreme weather situation.

Wordlists: Pages 220–226
Audioscript: Pages 227–230

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