كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني الإمارات
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كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني PDF
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مقدمة كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني:
Welcome to Cambridge Global English Stage 3
Cambridge Global English is an eight-stage course for learners of English as a Second Language (ESL). The eight stages range from the beginning of primary (Stages 1-6) to the end of the first two years of junior secondary (Stages 7-8). It is ideal for all international ESL learners, and particularly for those following the Cambridge Primary/Secondary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework, as it has been written to adhere to this framework. It also presents realistic listening and reading texts, writing tasks, and end-of-unit projects similar to those students might encounter in the context of a first-language school. These elements provide teachers with the opportunity to tailor the level of challenge to meet the needs of their particular students. The course is organized into nine thematic units of study which include a range of activities, text types and objectives.
Cambridge Global English materials are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference. The materials reflect the following principles:
- An international focus. Specifically developed for young learners throughout the world, the topics and situations in Cambridge Global English have been selected to reflect this diversity and encourage learning about each other’s lives through the medium of English.
- An enquiry-based, language-rich approach to learning. Cambridge Global English engages children as active, creative learners. At the same time as participating in a range of curriculum-based activities, they can acquire content knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and practise English language and
- English for educational success. To meet the challenges of the future, learners will need to develop facility with both conversational and more formal English. From the earliest stage, Cambridge Global English addresses both these competencies. Emphasis is placed on developing the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills learners will need to be successful in using English-language classroom materials.
In addition to this Learner’s Book, Cambridge Global English Activity Book 3 provides supplementary support and practice. Comprehensive support for teachers is available in Cambridge Global English Teacher’s Resource 3.
The following icons are used in this Learner’s Book:
- pre-recorded listening activity
- pre-recorded song and class singing activity
- pairwork or small group speaking activity (not mediated by teacher)
- write in notebook activity
- linking activity in Activity Book
- cross-curricular maths activity
- cross-curricular science activity.
We hope that learners and teachers enjoy using Cambridge Global English Stage 3 as much as we have enjoyed writing it.
Caroline Linse and Elly Schottman