كتاب الطالب لغة انجليزية bridge to success للصف السادس الفصل الثاني
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كتاب الطالب لغة انجليزية bridge to success للصف السادس الفصل الثاني PDF
لتحميل كتاب الطالب مادة اللغة الانجليزية bridge to success الصف السادس الفصل الثاني PDF يرجى الضغط على الزر الأزرق.
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محتوى كتاب bridge to success للصف السادس الفصل الثاني
Unit 6 Explorers
Lesson 1 Famous explorers
Lesson 2 Exploring space
Lesson 3 From the desert to Antarctica
Lesson 4 Planning a desert exploration
Lesson 5 How to present an exploration plan
My learning
Lesson 6 A traveller’s blog
Lesson 7 The Boy who Biked the World: Part 1
Lesson 8 The Boy who Biked the World: Part 2
Lesson 9 Eating customs around the world
Lesson 10 TouchScreenGo!
My learning
Unit 7 Jobs and work
Lesson 1 Just the job
Lesson 2 I’d like to be a
Lesson 3 Television jobs
Lesson 4 Jobs and personal qualities
Lesson 5 Designing a uniform
My learning
Lesson 6 Looking for a job (1)
Lesson 7 Looking for a job (2)
Lesson 8 You can be anything (1)
Lesson 9 You can be anything (2)
Lesson 10 Never give up, reach for the sky
My learning
Choose a project
Unit 8 Communication
Lesson 1 Different ways to communicate
Lesson 2 Gestures
Lesson 3 What are you saying?
Lesson 4 Good or bad news?
Lesson 5 What are you doing tomorrow?
Lesson 6 My learning
I’m going to Dubai
Lesson 7 Its difficult to say!
Lesson 8 Could I talk to you about something?
Lesson 9 Being polite online
Lesson 10 Saying thanks
My learning
Choose a project
Unit 9 Travellers’ Tales
Lesson 1 Have a go!
Lesson 2 I’d love to try camel-trekking!
Lesson 3 Where shall we go?
Lesson 4 Describing a special place
Lesson 5 How did you feel there?
My learning
Lesson 6 Favourite places
Lesson 7 My dream holiday
Lesson 8 What would you see there?
Lesson 9 The light beam that got away. Part 1
Lesson 10 The light beam that got away. Part 2
My learning
Choose a project